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6-3 Investment Analysis

HF input for Substages of Investment Analysis. The IAHF tabinput is provided for both the initial and final stages of IA.

Initial Sub-Stage of IA. The role of the HFFAA AMSHFC Lifecycleduring Checklistthe indicatesinitial a numberstage of IA is to: analyze HF questions that should be addressed as part of the IA stage. Examples include:

  • Have the Human Factors implicationsimpacts of each alternative beenor determinedto supervise this work being done by the HFC for theira impactcontractor onsupporting cost,the benefits,IA schedule,stage.

    Final Sub-Stage of IA. The role of the FAA HFC during the final stage of IA is to:

    • Provide HF inputs to the AMS artifacts for the selected alternative
    • Participate as a HF expert in technical evaluation team review of vendor proposals

    With guidance from the HFWG, this includes:

    • Incorporating HF into the initial and technicalfinal risks?Investment Analysis Plan (IAP)
    • DoIncorporating cost,HF schedule,into the initial and performance baselines reflect the detail necessary to cause the identification or resolution of human-system performance issues/risks?
    • Does thefinal Implementation PlanningStrategy and StrategyPlanning Document (ISPD)
    • reflect
    • Incorporating human requirements into the recommendedsystems approachspecification
    • to
    • Including manageHF in source evaluation criteria
    • Incorporating HF in the initial and final Business Case
    • Incorporating HF in the Statement of Work (SOW)

    As with every stage, the HF programanalyses forare tailored to be consistent with the project?

  • size,
  • Hascost, and complexity of the informationsolution frombeing theacquired HF assessment been incorporated in the Business Case and IA decision?  (HF-STD-004A).

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