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3. Research for Service Analysis: Large Projects HF Integration When Proposing Large Acquisition Project 3-13

Sample Contents of a Transfer Package. The table of contents of a sample transfer package developed as part of the Enterprise Information Display System (EID-S) program) is provided below. Note that many of the included artifacts have important HF content based on the results of the Research for Service Analysis. Note, however, that the contents of the transfer package should be tailored to be consistent with the size, cost, and complexity of the solution being acquired (HF-STD-004a).

  • Tech Transfer Package Overview
  • Discussion Outcomes (The information in the Discussions Outcomes section was gathered from operational users and other stakeholders using Questionnaires, Focus Groups, Use Case Reviews, Human Factors Working Group (HFWG) / Working Group (WG) sessions, and Data Administration (DA) Working Group sessions. It included 25-30 briefings based on early UI mockups and associated feedback.)
    • Discussion Outcomes Intro and ConOps Overview briefing
    • Discussion Outcomes briefing for each topic
    • CSS-Wx Products
    • CSS-Wx Products Overview briefing
    • Textual Wx Products spreadsheet
    • Graphical Wx Products spreadsheet
  • Use Cases
    • Use Cases Overview briefing
    • Use Cases List and Details spreadsheet
    • Use Cases [series of DOCs] (60 focusing on Air Traffic users; 32 on Maintenance users and 1 on data administration)
  • Preferred Architecture
    • Preferred Architecture briefing
  • Technical Analysis
    • Technical Analysis Summary briefing
    • Supporting Items
  • EIM Package
    • EIM Overview briefing
    • Position and Information Management Utilizing EIM document
    • Static Data List spreadsheet
    • Supporting Items
  • CHI Guidelines
    • CHI Guidelines Overview briefing
    • CHI Guidelines document
  • Concept of Operations (There were three very different user groups, so three CONOPS were developed. One for ATC, one to support national management for standardization across facilities while allowing some customization by facility, and one for enterprise-wide system management, which had both National and local components. They were described in separate CONOPS.)
    • E-IDS (Solution) ConOps document
    • E-IDS Data Admin ConOps document
    • E-IDS Maintenance ConOps document
    • SIR to Contract Award Summary of ConOps Changes briefing
    • Maintenance ConOps Overview briefing
  • Support Personnel Synopsis
  • Summary of Requirements Changes (SIR to Contract Award)
    • SIR to Contract Award Summary of Requirements Changes briefing
    • SIR to Contract Award Summary of Requirements Changes briefing
  • Tech Transfer Glossary