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Search Results

53 total results found

7-4 Solution Implementation

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 7. Solution Implementation (7 pgs)

Monitoring and Coordinating Contractor and Support Team Activities. The FAA HFC plays several roles in SI: Step 4. Monitoring the contractor HF activities Step 5. Coordinating with the Safety and Training Groups Step 6. Coordinating with FAA Program Manag...

Responsible, Accountable, Support, Consult, Inform matrix
contractor HFC
Graphical User Interface
RASCI matrix

7-5 Solution Implementation

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 7. Solution Implementation (7 pgs)

Participating in Ongoing FAA Contractor and Working Group Meetings. The FAA HFC plays several roles in SI: Step 8. Participating in TIMs, working groups, and relevant engineering, development, and management meetings. Reviewing and Approving Heuristic An...

Human Factors Design Standard
Heuristic Analysis

7-6 Solution Implementation

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 7. Solution Implementation (7 pgs)

Approving Plans and Results of Contractor HF Empirical Evaluations. The FAA HF Coordinator (HFC) ensures that appropriate HF empirical evaluations are planned and completed.  Step 10. Providing input and approval for the plans developed by the Contractor HF...

Critical Task Analysis report
Scenario selection
Empirical evaluation

7-7 Solution Implementation

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 7. Solution Implementation (7 pgs)

Observing HF Activities and Approving Contractor’s HF Deliverables. Step 11. Observing contractor HF-related activities, including EUIEs, design reviews by the CHI team and other testing events, providing the Contractor HFC with input based on these observa...

User team
CHI team
Computer Human Interaction team
Contract Data Requirement List

6-4 Investment Analysis

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 6. Investment Analysis (4 pgs)

HF Investment Analysis (IA) Inputs for AMS Lifecycle Checklist. The IA tab of the HF AMS Lifecycle Checklist indicates a number of HF questions that should be addressed as part of the IA stage. Examples include: Have the Human Factors implications of each a...

AMS Lifecycle Checklist

8-1 In-Service Management

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 8. In-Service Management (4 pgs)

HF Activities for In-Service Management. There are two reasons for post-deployment assessments from an HF perspective: To determine whether there are performance issues that need to be addressed To identify opportunities for enhancements of the product in ...

Future enhancements
Post Implementation Review
In-Service Review

8-2 In-Service Management

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 8. In-Service Management (4 pgs)

HF Post Implementation Assessments. There are a variety of complementary sources to support these HF assessments. One formal component is completion of the In-Service Review (ISR) checklist (FAA network user only). Other methods include: Design and use of a...

8-3 In-Service Management

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 8. In-Service Management (4 pgs)

Potential Post Implementation HF Issues. There are a variety of reasons why HF issues could arise after the deployment of the solution. This includes: Resistance to change resulting in disuse of the product Problems with the software or hardware such that ...

8-4 In-Service Management

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 8. In-Service Management (4 pgs)

Opportunities for Future Enhancements. While monitoring post-deployment performance, opportunities for future enhancements may be identified.  Some enhancements may focus on minor improvements in the Computer Human Interaction (CHI) or supporting functionalit...

Future enhancements

9. List of Acronyms

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 9. List of Acronyms

AI    Artificial IntelligenceAMS     Acquisition Management SystemATC    Air Traffic ControlCHI    Computer Human InteractionCRD    Contracts and Requirements DefinitionFAA HFC    FAA Human Factors Coordinator        Contractor HFC        Contractor Human Fact...

10. Contact Information

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 10. Contact Information

Support  for FAA Acquisitions  The NextGen Human Factors Division (ANG-C1) is available to available to provide guidance throughout the FAA Acquisition Management System (AMS) process. Contact Us  For further information, please feel free to contact the Hum...

Appendix B. Samples of HF Content

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... Appendix B. Samples of HF Content (1pg)

System Specification Document - Sample HF Content

Appendix C. Human Factors Data Item Description (from HF-ST-D004a)

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... Appendix C. Human Factors Data Item Des...

Human Factors Data Item Descriptions (from HF-ST-D004a)